The Collalto family rigorously observes the provisions of the viticultural protocols established by the member Communes of the Consorzio del Prosecco Superiore, aimed at ensuring low environmental impacts.
A tradition of innovation
Conte Collalto continues on its ancestral path, experimenting with new approaches for improving quality in its vineyards. One example is changing the vine-training systems in order to further improve grape quality.
In the same optic are zonation studies that focus on various levels of climate, enabling the vineyardists to follow the impact of weather, season by season, on vine and vineyard growth.
Per i suoi interventi a favore del territorio e della sostenibilità ambientale l’azienda è stata insignita del titolo di “Cantina eco friendly” al Merano Wine Festival.
Wise earth
Conte Collalto’s bond with its own land has been long and close, a sentiment composed of passion and respect that finds its concrete expression in uninterrupted initiatives for preserving the integrity of its own corner of earth. To further this objective, the winery has encouraged fruitful relationships with expert agronomists to study weather patterns and local geologic characteristics, in an effort to achieve vine growth balance. Installation of weather-monitoring stations in the vineyards has made possible constant weather observation, with resultant savings in water use and sustainable application of anti-pest treatments.
A long-time supporter of environmental sustainability, Conte Collalto installed, in the early 2000s, a heating plant that utilises pruning wood as a renewable energy source

Produzione Integrata
Lo SQNPI è uno schema di certificazione che ha come obiettivo valorizzare le produzioni agricole vegetali ottenute in conformità ai disciplinari regionali di produzione integrata. Il Sistema Qualità è riconosciuto a livello comunitario (Reg. Ce 1974/2006).
La produzione (o agricoltura) integrata è un sistema di produzione volontario che si attua rispettando le norme tecniche previste per ogni tipo di coltura sia per quanto riguarda la difesa dalle avversità, sia per tutte le altre pratiche agronomiche come la fertilizzazione e l’irrigazione. I Disciplinari Regionali di Produzione Integrata fanno riferimento alle Linee Guida Nazionali Conte Collalto.
Vinification is the final act in a year of affectionate attention and seasons-long work in the vineyards. To obtain the highest quality-possible grapes, Conte Collalto uses practices that combine age-old wisdom with the most cutting-edge technologies.
In Vinification Veritas
First come the vineyards, which ripen aromas and flavours over the course of the seasons, then the harvest, with methods handed down from our ancestors, but with help from friendly technology, and, lastly, fermentation, the final act, requiring perfect orchestration to guarantee excellence in the final result.
To maximise the extraction of qualities from our grapes, we use a specialised pneumatic press and cold-temperature processing, and the fermentation too is at low temperatures, using special cultured yeasts.

L’automazione in cantina che ha snellito e migliorato le procedure lavorative, assicura all’azienda una rilevante capacità produttiva, in grado di soddisfare le crescenti richieste di un mercato vocato alla qualità.
The jewel-box cellar
The Collalto winecellar displays an almost jewel-box character. The sizes of the oak barrels were carefully designed for the wines they hold, to ensure optimal maturation and to encourage development of the character and aromas of each wine. The tonneaux for the reserves hold 500 litres, while the large oak botti are of 42, 95, and 130 hectolitres.
The imposing, temperature-controlled stainless-steel tanks — the largest holding 33,000 litres–are perfect for maintaining crispness and varietal fidelity in the white wines. Even traditional concrete vats have been restored to use, since they offer particular qualities in maturing certain wines.